Editing Elements

Editing Elements

Create Element

You have following options to create Model Elements and View Elements.

To create an Element from Toolbox:

  1. Select [ElementType] in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of element, or link two elements if the element is a kind of relationship.


In most cases, creating an element from Toolbox means creating the both Model Element and View Element. For example, if you create a Class in a Diagram from Toolbox, a Class Model Element and a Class View Model which referencing the Model Element will be created. See Basic Concepts

If you have already Model Elements, you can create View Elements referencing the Model Element on a Diagram.

To create a View Element by drag and drop:

  1. Select a Model Element in Explorer.

  2. Drag the Model Element and drop on a Diagram.

To create a Model Element in Explorer:

  1. Select first an element where a new Model Element to be contained as a child in Explorer.

  2. Select Model | Add | [ElementType] in Menu Bar or select Add | [ElementType]` in Context Menu.

Delete Elements

See also

Basic Concepts - Before deleting elements, you need to distinguish the difference of Model Element, View Element, and Diagram.

To delete View Elements in a Diagram.

  1. Select View Elements to be deleted in a Diagram.

  2. Press Delete or Select Edit | Delete in Menu Bar or Delete in Context Menu.


Deleting View Elements do not delete Model Elements.

To delete Model Elements:

  1. Select Elements to be deleted in a Diagram or in Explorer.

  2. Press Ctrl+Delete or Select Edit | Delete from Model in Menu Bar or Delete from Model in Context Menu.


Model Elements are always deleted with corresponding View Elements.

Select Elements

To select view elements in Diagram Editor:

You can select an Element in Diagram just by clicking on an Element. If you want to select additional elements while keeping current selections, click on element with pressing Shift. When you drag an area, Elements overlaps the area will be selected. Pressing Shift also work with dragging.

If you want to select all elements in the Diagram, press Ctrl+A or select Edit | Select All in Menu Bar or Select All in Context Menu.


Selecing an Element on a Diagram means selection of the both Model Element and View Element.

To select a model element in Explorer:

In Explorer, you can select a Model Element by clicking on an Element.

If you want to select an element in Explorer corresponding to the a selected element in Diagram, press Ctrl+E or select Edit | Select In Explorer in Menu Bar or Select In Explorer in Context Menu.

Copy and Paste

When copying or cutting elements for pasting, a clear distinction has to be made between model elements and view elements. If a model element is copied, it has to be pasted under a model element. In this case, all the sub-elements contained in the selected element are copied together. View elements can be copied within the same diagram or to different diagrams. Copied view elements can be pasted in diagrams only; they cannot be pasted to model elements. Copying and pasting may also be restricted depending on the view element types and diagram types.

To copy and paste view elements in Diagram Editor

  1. Select view elements in a diagram to copy. (You can select multiple elements. See Select Elements)

  2. Press Ctrl+C or select Edit | Copy in Menu Bar or Copy in Context Menu. (To cut view elements, press Ctrl+X or select Edit | Cut in Menu Bar or Cut in Context Menu)

  3. Open the diagram where the copied view elements to be pasted. (See open diagram??)

  4. Press Ctrl+V or select Edit | Paste in Menu Bar or Paste in Context Menu. The copied view elements will be pasted to the active diagram.

To copy and paste a model element in Explorer:

  1. Select a model element to copy in Explorer.

  2. Press Ctrl+C or select Edit | Copy in Menu Bar or Copy in Context Menu. (To cut view elements, press Ctrl+X or select Edit | Cut in Menu Bar or Cut in Context Menu)

  3. Select a model element where the copied element will be pasted in Explorer.

  4. Press Ctrl+V or select Edit | Paste in Menu Bar or Paste in Context Menu. The copied view elements will be pasted to the active diagram. The copied model element can be pasted in where an element is able to contain.


Some elements are not allowed to copy, cut, and paste.

Undo and Redo

To undo an action, press Ctrl+Z or select Edit | Undo in Menu Bar.

To redo an undo-ed action, press Ctrl+Y or select Edit | Redo in Menu Bar.

Edit Properties

You can edit properties of model elements in Property Editor.

Documenting Elements

You can edit documentation of model elements in Documentation Editor.

Extending Elements

Assign Stereotype

To assign defined stereotype to elements (e.g. defined in UML Standard Profile):

  1. Select model elements to assign stereotype.

  2. Click the magnifier icon on the right side of stereotype property in Property Editor.

  3. Select a stereotype in Element Picker Dialog.

To assign temporal stereotype to elements:

  1. Select model elements to assign stereotype.

  2. Enter stereotype name in stereotype property in Property Editor.

Add Constraints

To add a Constraint to an element:

  1. Select model elements to add a constraint.

  2. Select Model | Add | Constraint in Menu Bar or select Add | Constraint in Context Menu.

  3. Edit constraint in specification property in Property Editor.

Add Tags

Tag is an element to add extended properties to Model Elements

To add a Tag to an element:

  1. Select an Element in Explorer or in a Diagram.

  2. Select Model | Add | Tag in Menu Bar or select Add | Tag in Context Menu.

Properties of Tag:

  • name : Name of Tag

  • kind : Kind of Tag. kind could be one of string, reference, boolean, number, or hidden. if hidden is chosen, this Tag will not be shown on View Element.

  • value : Value of Tag when kind is string.

  • reference : Reference value of Tag when kind is reference.

  • checked : Boolean value of Tag when kind is boolean.

  • number : Number value of Tag when kind is number.

To show or hide Tags on View Elements, see Show Property.

Finding Model Elements

To find model elements by keyword:

  1. Press Ctrl+F or Select Model | Find... in Menu Bar.

  2. Enter keyword in Edit Box.

  3. Check Case sensitive if you want to find keyword case sensitively, and check Find in documentation if you want to find keyword in documentation of elements.

  4. Matched elements will be shown on a Bottom Panel.

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