Validation Rules

(UML001) Name expected.

  • Element should have a name.

  • Applies to: UMLModelElement.

  • Exceptions: UMLParameter (only if direction === 'return'), UMLStructuralFeature (only if type is assigned), UMLDirectedRelationship, UMLRelationshipEnd, UMLUndirectedRelationship, UMLAssociationClassLink, UMLRegion, UMLPseudostate, UMLFinalState, UMLControlNode, UMLEndpoint, UMLGate, UMLAction, UMLObjectNode, UMLImage, UMLConnector.

(UML002) Name is already defined.

  • If element has a name, then it should be unique in the namespace.

  • Applies to: UMLModelElement.

  • Exceptions: UMLOperation.

(UML003) Conflict with inherited attributes.

  • Applies to: UMLAttribute.

(UML004) Signature conflict.

  • Same signature is not allowed in a classifier.

  • Applies To: UMLOperation.

(UML006) Final and leaf element must not have child.

  • If isFinalSpecifiction or isLeaf is true, then it should not have child.

  • Applies to: UMLClassifier.

(UML007) Duplicated generalizations.

  • Do not make duplicated generalizations from the same element.

  • Applies to: UMLClassifier.

(UML008) Circular generalizations.

  • Do not generalize from one of the children.

  • Applies to: UMLClassifier.

(UML009) Duplicated realizations.

  • Applies to: UMLClassifier.

(UML010) Duplicated role names of associated classifiers.

  • Applies to: UMLClassifier.

(UML011) All attributes and operations of interface must be public.

  • All attributes and operations of an interface should have public visibility.

  • Applies to: UMLInterface.

(UML012) Aggregation must be one in an association.

  • Applies to: UMLAssociation.

(UML013) Type of an artifact instance must be an artifact.

  • Applies to: UMLArtifactInstance.

(UML014) Type of a component instance must be a component.

  • Applies to: UMLComponentInstance.

(UML015) Type of a node instance must be a node.

  • Applies to: UMLNodeInstance.

(UML016) A metaclass must have name defined in metamodel.

  • Applies to: UMLMetaClass

(UML017) A stereotype must inherits from stereotype.

  • Applies To: UMLStereotype

(UML018) A stereotype must contained by a profile.

  • Applies To: UMLStereotype

(UML019) An actor only can associate with use cases, components, and classes.

  • Applies To: UMLActor

(UML020) A use case cannot include use cases that directly or indirectly include it.

  • Applies To: UMLUseCase

(UML021) An initial vertex can have at most one outgoing transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'initial')

(UML022) The outgoing transition from an initial vertex must not have a trigger or guard.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'initial')

(UML023) History vertices can have at most one outgoing transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'deepHistory' | 'shallowHistory'

(UML024) A join vertex must have at least two incoming transitions and exactly one outgoing transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'join')

(UML025) A fork vertex must have at least two outgoing transitions and exactly one incoming transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'fork')

(UML026) A junction vertex must have at least one incoming and one outgoing transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'junction')

(UML027) A choice vertex must have at least one incoming and one outgoing transition.

  • Applies To: UMLPseudostate (kind = 'choice')

(UML028) Only submachine states can have connection point references.

  • Applies To: UMLState

(UML029) A state is not allowed to have both a submachine and regions.

  • Applies To: UMLState

(UML030) A region can have at most one initial vertex.

  • Applies To: UMLRegion

(UML031) A region can have at most one deep history vertex.

  • Applies To: UMLRegion

(UML032) A region can have at most one shallow history vertex.

  • Applies To: UMLRegion

(UML033) A final state cannot have any outgoing transitions.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML034) A final state cannot have regions.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML035) A final state cannot reference a submachine.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML036) A final state has no entry behavior.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML037) A final state has no exit behavior.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML038) A final state has no state (doActivity) behavior.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalState

(UML039) A fork segment must not have guards or triggers.

  • Applies To: UMLTransition

(UML040) A join segment must not have guards or triggers.

  • Applies To: UMLTransition

(UML041) A fork segment must always target a state.

  • Applies To: UMLTransition

(UML042) A join segment must always originate from a state.

  • Applies To: UMLTransition

(UML043) Transitions outgoing pseudostates may not have a trigger (except for those coming out of the initial pseudostate).

  • Applies To: UMLTransition

(UML044) The classifier context of a state machine cannot be an interface.

  • Applies To: UMLStateMachine

(UML045) A decision node has one or two incoming edges and at least one outgoing edge.

_ Applies To: UMLDecisionNode

(UML046) A merge node has one outgoing edge.

  • Applies To: UMLMergeNode

(UML047) The edges coming into and out of a merge node must be either all object flows or all control flows.

  • Applies To: UMLMergeNode

(UML048) An initial node has no incoming edges.

  • Applies To: UMLInitialNode

(UML049) Only control edges can have initial nodes as source.

  • Applies To: UMLInitialNode

(UML050) A final node has no outgoing edges.

  • Applies To: UMLFinalNode

(UML051) A fork node has one incoming edge.

  • Applies To: UMLForkNode

(UML052) The edges coming into and out of a fork node must be either all object flows or all control flows.

  • Applies To: UMLForkNode

(UML053) A join node has one outgoing edge.

  • Applies To: UMLJoinNode

(UML054) The edges coming into and out of a join node must be either all object flows or all control flows.

  • Applies To: UMLJoinNode

(UML055) All edges coming into or going out of object nodes must be object flow edges.

  • Applies To: UMLObjectNode

(UML056) Control flows may not have object nodes at either end, except for object nodes with control type.

  • Applies To: UMLControlFlow

(UML057) Object flows may not have actions at either end.

  • Applies To: UMLObjectFlow

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