Create Flowchart Diagram
To create a Flowchart Diagram:
Select first an element where a new Flowchart Diagram to be contained as a child.
Select Model | Add Diagram | Flowchart Diagram in Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Flowchart Diagram in Context Menu.
Flowchart Element
Flowchart Element is an abstract element of all flowchart elements.
You can use QuickEdit for Flowchart Element by double-click or press Enter
on a selected Flowchart Element.
Name : Edit name.
Add Note : Add a linked note.
Add Outgoing Process : Add an outgoing flow with a process.
Add Incoming Process : Add an incoming flow with a process.
Add Outgoing Decision : Add an outgoing flow with a decision.
Add Incoming Decision : Add an incoming flow with a decision.
To create a Flow:
Select Flow in Toolbox.
Drag from an flowchart element and drop on another flowchart element.
You can use QuickEdit by double-click or press Enter
on a selected flow.
Name : Edit name.
Add Note : Add a linked note.
To create a Process:
Select Process in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Process.
To create a Terminator:
Select Terminator in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Terminator.
To create a Decision:
Select Decision in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Decision.
To create a Delay:
Select Delay in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Delay.
Predefined Process
To create a Predefined Process:
Select Predefined Process in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Predefined Process.
Alternate Process
To create a Alternate Process:
Select Alternate Process in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Alternate Process.
To create a Data:
Select Data in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Data.
To create a Document:
Select Document in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Document.
To create a Multi-Document:
Select Multi-Document in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Multi-Document.
To create a Preparation:
Select Preparation in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Preparation.
To create a Display:
Select Display in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Display.
Manual Input
To create a Manual Input:
Select Manual Input in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Manual Input.
Manual Operation
To create a Manual Operation:
Select Manual Operation in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Manual Operation.
To create a Card:
Select Card in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Card.
Punched Tape
To create a Punched Tape:
Select Punched Tape in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Punched Tape.
To create a Connector:
Select Connector in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Connector.
Off-Page Connector
To create a Off-Page Connector:
Select Off-Page Connector in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Off-Page Connector.
To create a Or:
Select Or in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Or.
Summing Junction
To create a Summing Junction:
Select Summing Junction in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Summing Junction.
To create a Collate:
Select Collate in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Collate.
To create a Sort:
Select Sort in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Sort.
To create a Merge:
Select Merge in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Merge.
To create a Extract:
Select Extract in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Extract.
Stored Data
To create a Stored Data:
Select Stored Data in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Stored Data.
To create a Database:
Select Database in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Database.
Direct Access Storage
To create a Direct Access Storage:
Select Direct Access Storage in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Direct Access Storage.
Internal Storage
To create a Internal Storage:
Select Internal Storage in Toolbox.
Drag on the diagram as the size of Internal Storage.
Last updated