
Custom Keymaps

If you want to make custom keymaps, you can create keymap.json at the user configuration path:

  • /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/StarUML for Mac OS.

  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\StarUML for Windows.

  • ~/.config/StarUML for Linux.

You can get how to edit the custom keymap file (keymap.json) at Keymaps.

Here is an example:

  "cmdctrl-alt-1": null,
  "cmdctrl-alt-g": "view:show-grid"

The first entry is to release the Ctrl+Alt+1 (Cmd+Option+1 in MacOS) key binding and the second entry is to change key binding of View > Show Grid (Command ID is view:show-grid) to Ctrl+Alt+G (Cmd+Option+G in MacOS).

If you want to know all command IDs, enter the following expression at Console (Debug > Show DevTools > Console tab).


Custom Fonts

If you want to use custom fonts, you can add a font folder in the custom fonts folder:

  • /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/StarUML/fonts for Mac OS.

  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\StarUML\fonts for Windows.

  • ~/.config/StarUML/fonts for Linux.

  1. Create a font folder (e.g. my-font) at the custom fonts folder.

  2. Place a font description file (font.json) and the TrueType font files .ttf in the font folder.

The font description file looks as below:

    "name"       : "MyFont",
    "regular"    : "MyFont-Regular.ttf",
    "italic"     : "MyFont-Italic.ttf",
    "bold"       : "MyFont-Bold.ttf",
    "boldItalic" : "MyFont-BoldItalic.ttf"

StarUML should be restarted to recognize the added custom fonts.

Custom Diagram Canvas Size

Increasing the diagram canvas size will cause severe performance degradation. In some low-spec computers, StarUML will be crashed. Then, reduce the size of the diagram canvas.

We strongly recommend to keep the small number of elements in a diagram. If you have many elements, then split the diagram into multiple diagrams with a single point of view. Nevertheless, you need to have wider diagram canvas size, you can set the maximum canvas width and height in the configuration file.

Find config.json at the user configuration path. If couldn't find, then create one.

  • /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/StarUML for Mac OS.

  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\StarUML for Windows.

  • ~/.config/StarUML for Linux.

Edit the maximum width and height number (default size is 4000 x 3000) of the diagram canvas as below:

  "diagramCanvasWidth": 5000,
  "diagramCanvasHeight": 3500

StarUML should be restarted to affect the changed diagram canvas size.

Last updated