Internal Block Diagram

Create Block Definition Diagram

To create a Internal Block Diagram:

  1. Select first a Block where a new Internal Block Diagram to be contained as a child.

  2. Select Model | Add Diagram | Internal Block Diagram in Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Internal Block Diagram in Context Menu.


To create a Part:

  1. Select Part in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size you want.

You can use QuickEdit for Part by double-click or press Enter on a selected Part.

  • Name Expression : Edit name expression.

    Syntax of Name Expression

    expression ::= [ '<<' stereotype `>>` ] [ visibility ] name
    stereotype ::= (identifier)
    visibility ::= '+' | '#' | '-' | '~'
    name ::= (identifier)
  • Visibility : Change visibility property.

  • Add Note : Add a linked note.

  • Add Constraint : Add a constraint.

  • Select Block : Select a Block and assign it to type property.

  • Create Block : Create a Block and assign it to type property.

  • Select Value Type : Select a Value Type and assign it to type property.

  • Create Value Type : Create a Value Type and assign it to type property.

  • Add Port : Add a port.


To create a Reference:

  1. Select Reference in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size you want.

You can use the same QuickEdit for Part by double-click or press Enter on the selected Reference.


To create a Value:

  1. Select Value in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size you want.

You can use the same QuickEdit for Part by double-click or press Enter on the selected Value.


See Port in Block Definition Diagram.


See Connector in Block Definition Diagram.

Last updated