Annotation Elements


To create a Text view:

  1. Select Text in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Text.

You can also create a Text view by just double clicking mouse left button on blank area of diagram.

You can enter multiline text by double clicking the Text view element. If you want to add a newline character, press Shift-Enter.

You can align texts inside the TextBox (Text, Note) with Text Alignment buttons in Style Editor.

Text Box

Text Box is a box has text inside. The difference from Text view, it has border line color and fill color.

To create a Text Box view:

  1. Select Text Box in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Text Box.

You can enter multiline text by double clicking the Text Box view element. If you want to add a newline character, press Shift-Enter.

To create a Note with Link on a element:

  1. Select Note in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Note.

  3. Select Note Link in Toolbox (Annotation).

  4. Drag on an element and drop on the Note.

You can enter multiline text by double clicking the Note view element. If you want to add a newline character, press Shift-Enter.

Free Line

Free Line is a multi-point line supporting various line formatting including line style, line pattern, and line-end shapes. You can set these line format in Style Editor.

To create a Free Line view:

  1. Select FreeFree Line in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag from an end-point and drop on another end-point.

To create a Hyperlink view:

  1. Select Hyperlink in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Hyperlink.

You can enter a link for a model element or a URL. To link a model element, click reference property in Property Editor and select a model element to link in Element Picker Dialog. Or to link a URL, enter full URL in url property (e.g.

To open the URL in url or the diagram in reference property, double-clicking the Hyperlink. http:// or https:// should be included to open in external web browser by double-clicking the Hyperlink. Link to a local file is not supported. If an element (not a diagram) is in reference property, it will be selected in Model Explorer.

Shapes (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse)

To create a shape view:

  1. Select a shape (Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Ellipse) in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of shape.


You can embed an image file (PNG, JPEG, SVG). We recommend to embed an image smaller than 640x640.

To add an image:

  1. Select Image in Toolbox (Annotation).

  2. Click on the diagram at the point you want to place an image.

  3. Select an image file (.png, .jpeg/jpg, .svg) in Open Dialog.

Or, you can add an image by drag an image file and then drop on the diagram area.

You can change the image file by double-clicking on the Image view.

Last updated