Sequence Diagram

Create Sequence Diagram

To create a Sequence Diagram:

  1. Select first an element where a new Sequence Diagram to be contained as a child.

  2. Select Model | Add Diagram | Sequence Diagram in Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Sequence Diagram in Context Menu.

See also

UML Sequence Diagram - For more information about UML Sequence Diagram.

You can show or hide sequence numbers of messages. To show or hide sequence numbers of message:

  1. Check or Uncheck showSequenceNumber property of Sequence Diagram or Communication Diagram.


To create a Lifeline:

  1. Select Lifeline in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Lifeline.

To create a Lifeline from a Classifier (Class, Interface, etc.) by Drag-and-Drop:

  1. Drag a Classifier from Explorer.

  2. Drop on the diagram.

You can use QuickEdit for Lifeline by double-click or press Enter on a selected Lifeline.

  • Lifeline Expression : Edit lifeline expression.

    Syntax of Lifeline Expression

    lifeline ::= [ '<<' stereotype `>>` ] [ visibility ] name [ '[' selector ']' ] [ ':' type ]
    stereotype ::= (identifier)
    visibility ::= '+' | '#' | '-' | '~'
    name ::= (identifier)
    selector ::= (string)
    type ::= (identifier)
  • Visibility : Change visibility property.

  • Add Note : Add a linked note.

  • Add Constraint : Add a constraint.

  • Select Type : Select a type of the lifeline.

  • Create Type : Create a Class as a type of the lifeline.

  • Add Message with Lifeline : Add a message with a lifeline.

  • Add Create Message with Lifeline : Add a create message with a lifeline.

  • Add Self Message : Add a self message.

  • Add Found Message : Add a found message.

  • Add Lost Message : Add a lost message.

  • Add Message from Gate : Add a message from a gate.

  • Add Message to Gate : Add a message to a gate.


To create a Message (or Self Message):

  1. Select Message (or Self Message) in Toolbox.

  2. Drag from a Lifeline and drop on another Lifeline. (Just click on a Lifeline if you want to create a self message.)

You can change the kind of message by setting messageSort property in Property Editor:

  • synchCall : Synchronous Call

  • asynchCall : Asynchronous Call

  • asynchSignal : Asynchronous Signal

  • createMessage : Create Message

  • deleteMessage : Delete Message

  • reply : Reply Message

You can use custom sequence numbers instead of auto-generated integer sequence numbers.

  1. Enter sequence number for each Message's sequenceNumber property.

  2. Change sequenceNumbering property of Sequence Diagram or Communication Diagram to custom.

You can use QuickEdit for Message by double-click or press Enter on a selected Message.

  • Message Expression : Edit message expression.

    Syntax of Message Expression

    message ::= [ '<<' stereotype `>>` ] [ visibility ] [ target '=' ] name [ '(' arguments ')' ]
    stereotype ::= (identifier)
    visibility ::= '+' | '#' | '-' | '~'
    target ::= (identifier)
    name ::= (identifier)
    arguments ::= (string)
  • Visibility : Change visibility property.

  • Add Note : Add a linked note.

  • Add Constraint : Add a constraint.

  • Select Operation : Select an operation as a signature of the message.

  • Create Operation : Create an operation as a signature of the message.

  • Select Signal : Select a signal as a signature of the message.

  • Create Signal : Create a signal as a signature of the message.

  • Add Reply Message : Add a reply message.


To create an Endpoint:

  1. Select Endpoint in Toolbox.

  2. Click at the position on the diagram.


To create a Gate:

  1. Select Gate in Toolbox.

  2. Click at the position on the diagram.

State Invariant

To create a State Invariant:

  1. Select State Invariant in Toolbox.

  2. Click on a Lifeline where the State Invariant to be attached.

You can use QuickEdit for State Invariant by double-click or press Enter on a selected State Invariant.

  • Invariant : Edit invariant property.


To create a Continuation:

  1. Select Continuation in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Continuation.

You can use QuickEdit for Model Element (See Model Element).

Combined Fragment

To create a Combined Fragment:

  1. Select Combined Fragment in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Combined Fragment.

You can change the operator by setting interactionOperator property in Property Editor:

  • alt : alternatives

  • opt : option

  • par : parallel

  • loop : iteration

  • critical : critical region

  • neg : negative

  • assert : assertion

  • strict : strict sequencing

  • seq : weak sequencing

  • ignore : ignore

  • consider : consider

  • break : break

You can use QuickEdit for Combined Fragment by double-click or press Enter on a selected Combined Fragment.

  • Name Expression : Edit name expression.

    Syntax of Name Expression

    expression ::= [ '<<' stereotype `>>` ] [ visibility ] name
    stereotype ::= (identifier)
    visibility ::= '+' | '#' | '-' | '~'
    name ::= (identifier)
  • Add Operand : Add an interaction operand.

Interaction Operand

You can use QuickEdit for Interaction Operand by double-click or press Enter on a selected Interaction Operand.

  • Guard : Edit guard property.

Interaction Use

To create a Interaction Use:

  1. Select Interaction Use in Toolbox.

  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Interaction Use.

Last updated